OWCN Accreditation & Certification
Organization for Wound Care Nurses & Allied Healthcare Professionals was established in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. in 2010 by a group of medical experts to advance and formalize the National Standards for Wound Care Certification. OWCNAHP certification development committee created and rolled out the National Wound Care Certification Standards (N.W.C.S) to improve the quality of care in the area of Wound management in December 2010. OWCNAHP accreditation Standards were created to promote and enhance learning by; providing easy access, affordability, availability of scholarships, accommodation for individuals with disabilities, providing equal opportunity to all regardless of age, gender, race, religion, etc. Further, these standards provide medical professionals with advanced skills with a focus on patient safety, delivering specialty care within the parameters of the legal scope of practice and in accordance with federal, state, and local laws. OWCNAHP Accreditation & Certification provides independent, third-party validation of an educational program that has met the National and International Practice Standards.

Excellence In Adult Literacy
The art of teaching adults effectively requires an understanding of various principles and theories of how adults learn and requires making an effort to apply these principles to practice. OWCNAHP-accredited programs are carefully developed and presented to address barriers in adult learning

Professional Certification & Recognition
OWCNAHP Professional Certification gives recognition of education and skills competency, shows commitment to the profession, and helps achieve optimal patient outcomes. OWCNAHP-endorsed accreditation & certification confirms that an individual has successfully completed the required coursework and demonstrated a minimum level of competency in the area of study to achieve the specific designation & recognition. Individuals who fulfill the requirements of the OWCNAHP and who are granted certification are considered “Certified” in their perspective clinical role in healthcare.

Focused Education & Role-Specific Certification
OWCNAHP-accredited certification programs are focused on the clinical management of wounds and other skin and nail issues. Certification programs are available for all care staff working in the area of wound management.

Certification Programs
Following National & International certification programs are currently Accredited through OWCNAHP U.S.A

Certification & Re-Certification
Upon successful completion of the initial certification program, clinicians are granted the certification for a period of (5) years. For re-certification, clinicians are required to re-take the program to learn and understand the regulatory and clinical updates. Upon completion of the program, clinicians are granted additional (5) years of certification.

Register for a Certification Program
OWCNAHP is partnered with Advanced Health Institute Inc. and all certification programs are available nationally & Internationally through AHI Incorporated. AHI Inc. Advanced Health Institute INC (AHI) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. To register, please visit:www.advancedhealthinstitute.org
Healthcare Facilities
Where Our Certified Professionals Delivering Expert Care To The Clients